Taking in the spirit of Kokoda

Alli van Ommen is getting ready to participate in the mighty Kokoda Memorial Challenge. 105571 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


ONE Altona North resident is preparing to take on a challenge of a life time against some of Australia’s most rugged terrain.
Alli van Ommen is participating in the Kokoda Memorial Challenge on 27 October.
Alli entered in the 30 kilometre category in a team named Without Limits.
The course is a cross-country and bushwalking exercise, with the experience designed to reflect the Spirit of Kokoda including courage, endurance, mateship and sacrifice.
The challenge begins in the Dandenong Ranges, commencing at Ferntree Gully, continuing to the Kalorama Park, taking in the Kokoda Memorial Walk and testing competitors’ stamina with the 1000 steps, before looping back down The Ranges again.
Ms Van Ommen is a former water polo champion representing her country on a world scale and now runs her own osteopathic clinic called ‘Without Limits’.
The 27-year-old former elite athlete said she loved a good challenge, but decided to embark on her latest venture to set an example for her patients.
She said the theme for her monthly newsletter was to challenge yourself and try something new.
“My philosophy is the only limits you have are the ones you create, so I’m trying to lead by example.”
“If I’m asking them to challenge themselves I have to challenge myself to and be an example.”
“It’s a great cause, and it will definitely challenge me.”
All money raised from the event will be used to fund the Kokoda Challenge Youth Program – a 12-month program for young people aged 15 to 18.
To donate to ‘Without Limits’ visit www.kokodachallenge.com

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