Time to help

SYDENHAM Community Centre is hosting a non-perishable food drive this month as part of Anti-Poverty Week Poverty. During Anti-Poverty Week Brimbank residents are being urged to help fight poverty and hardship by donating tinned food and other non-perishable items. Residents can donate at any of the Neighbourhood Houses in Brimbank, including Sydenham Community Centre where Jane Allen, pictured, displayed some donated goods. The food will be given to the Tin Shed in St Albans which operates a food drop-in for local residents. 71907  Picture: NICOLE SULTANASYDENHAM Community Centre is hosting a non-perishable food drive this month as part of Anti-Poverty Week Poverty. During Anti-Poverty Week Brimbank residents are being urged to help fight poverty and hardship by donating tinned food and other non-perishable items. Residents can donate at any of the Neighbourhood Houses in Brimbank, including Sydenham Community Centre where Jane Allen, pictured, displayed some donated goods. The food will be given to the Tin Shed in St Albans which operates a food drop-in for local residents. 71907 Picture: NICOLE SULTANA

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