Fitness time

IT’S time to get your fitness shoes on. Group fitness classes have started up again at RecWest Footscray, with Yoga, Zumba and a Boxing Circuit set to get your pulses racing. The centre is launching a new timetable in February, and will introduce Tai Chi and Pilates to the line-up. Rachel Gent, health and wellness co-ordinator, pictured, has all the moves. Call 9689 1322 or pop into the Essex St centre to find out more. 75383   Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIIT’S time to get your fitness shoes on. Group fitness classes have started up again at RecWest Footscray, with Yoga, Zumba and a Boxing Circuit set to get your pulses racing. The centre is launching a new timetable in February, and will introduce Tai Chi and Pilates to the line-up. Rachel Gent, health and wellness co-ordinator, pictured, has all the moves. Call 9689 1322 or pop into the Essex St centre to find out more. 75383 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

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