Album labour of love

NEWPORT singer songwriter Sherry Rich has just released her latest album, Dakota Avenue. 82789 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKINEWPORT singer songwriter Sherry Rich has just released her latest album, Dakota Avenue. 82789 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

SHERRY Rich’s latest album has been a labour of love for the Newport singer songwriter and mother-of-two, who defines her musical style as roots, pop and alternative country.
The album, Dakota Avenue, was recorded in Chicago between 1999 and 2001, but only released last week.
All of the album’s songs were written in Nashville where Sherry lived for 10 years after being signed to a record label, and where she met her husband Rick, a Grammy and Oscar nominated guitarist.
The Bribie Island native, who also plays guitar, harmonica and the ukulele and dabbles with the drums, collaborated with the late Jay Bennett on the album, an American singer/songwriter, guitarist and producer best known for his work with the band Wilco.
“He passed away in 2009 before the record came out so it’s a bittersweet album,” she said.
“When I held the CD in my hand after I got it back from the manufacturer I had tears in my eyes thinking about my dear friend who never got to hear it finished.”
Music, it seems, was always on the cards for Sherry.
“My mum was a country folk singer in the 1960s and my brothers and I would sing with her at an early age, we still do. We were always surrounded by music, it was like a second language in our household.”
She recalled her first high school band, consisting of herself, her brother Rusty (of Scared Weird Little Guys fame) and the then unknown Keith Urban who she has since caught up with in Nashville.
Sherry rates touring France as one of her career highlights along with playing at the House of Blues in Chicago and doing a show in New York, along with some “pretty crazy times” during her stint in all-girl band Girl Monstar.
Fast forward to the present and Sherry’s children, aged seven and 10, have also caught the musical bug.
“People will probably know me more for my work with the Mudcakes which is my family band, it’s myself, my husband and kids and sometimes the dog.”
As for the future Sherry will be touring to promote her new album over the next year along with performing at festivals before heading to the United States.
She is also working on another album with musician and friend Ashley Naylor from The Grapes which is due to come out in October.
For more information including tour dates visit

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