By Vanessa Chircop
HOBSONS Bay Residents can celebrate a minor victory this week following a VCAT ruling in their first battle against Innova Soil Technology.
A VCAT tribunal decided that the Innova soil remediation facility requires a town planning permit because it is not a petrochemical industry.
Innova argued the soil remediation facility they proposed to establish was a form of petrochemical industry and therefore did not require a town planning permit for use of the land.
Innova will now require a town planning permit for both the use and development of the land on the Dow site, in order to establish the soil remediation facility.
Hobsons Bay Deputy Mayor Councillor Tony Briffa said he was pleased with VCAT’s decision but was unhappy with how Innova dealt with the situation. “Innova has avoided going through the council’s planning processes and refused to allow the community to have a say about whether they want a soil decontamination facility in Altona,” Cr Briffa said.
“Innova’s gamble of going to VCAT to defend their claim that their soil remediation proposal was a petrochemical use was ill-advised.
“This decision means Innova will have to apply to the council for a planning permit if they still want to go ahead with a soil decontamination facility in Altona.
“This will include the community consultation they have so strenuously sought to avoid.”