THE COMMUNITY is being asked to help decide on the future use of the disused Williamstown ladies’ bowling green at Dennis Reserve.
Additional tennis courts, a community garden with a meeting space, a dedicated propagation site and informal parkland have been put forward as suggestions for the site.
But, Hobsons Bay City Council wants the community to contribute any other ideas for the reserve.
Since the Williamstown Ladies Bowls Club amalgamated with the men’s club last year, the future use of the reserve has been debated among a range of community groups.
The council has already received several submissions on how the land could be reused.
The Williamstown Central Tennis Club wants an additional two courts and the use of the pavilion as an additional club room.
Meanwhile, the Williamstown Garden Club is proposing the establishment of a community garden, including the use of the pavilion as a meeting space.
Also thrown into the mix, The Friends of Williamstown Botanic Gardens are proposing a dedicated propagation space.
The council also received a petition with 187 signatories proposing the restoration to informal parkland for passive use.
“These have all been great suggestions, and we are open to others so have your say now
and help us determine how this site can be used for the greatest benefit of our community,” Hobsons Bay mayor Sandra Wilson said.
Speaking to Star in August, Williamstown Gardening Club secretary Helen Olsen said they had been pushing for a community garden on the site for two years.
“We would prefer a community garden, realistically I don’t know whether council is willing,” she said.
“If we can’t have a community garden, open space would be good.”
The consultation period will be open for six weeks, closing on Friday 20 December 2013.