Magic on stage

Cana Catholic Primary School pupils Sean, Kiara, Isabelle, Kayla and Olivia will star in The Wizard of Oz. 109262 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


TALENTED pupils at Cana Catholic Primary School in Hillside will sing, dance and act their way along a yellow brick road later this month.
Youngsters from the Hillside school, including Isabelle, Kayla, Kiara, Olivia and Sean, will star in the Wizard of Oz as the scarecrow, Dorothy, lion, wicked witch and tin man.
They will be joined by fellow pupils Joshua as the other scarecrow, other tin man Jake, two other Dorothys Alana and Cassie, Monique as Glinda, wizard Kye, doormen Clare and munchkins Jordan, Chantelle and Olivia S.
Performing arts teacher Melissa Evgeniadis and co-producer Miranda Kydd said 90 students auditioned for 15 main parts in the show.
Isabelle, Kayla, Kiara, Olivia and Sean said they were delighted to win roles in the performance.
“I was jumping for joy,” Kayla said.
Sean said they had been rehearsing at recess and lunch times.
“My favourite part is when we’re with the wizard and we have to do a task,” he said.
Olivia has the Wicked Witch’s evil cackle perfected.
“I think it came naturally because the first time I watched The Wizard of Oz, I tried that and my Mum said I was good at it,” she said.
Kiara said she has learned new skills while practising for the concert.
“What I learned is to not be nervous in whatever you do,” she said.
“If I ever get the chance to be in entertainment or anything like a play, I’d take part,” Isabelle said.
“I’m usually good at talking in front of a lot of people. I get nervous but when I start I’m OK.”
The show will be on 6.30pm, 28 November at the Catholic Regional College hall in Sydenham.

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