Sports star


AT 17 years old Michael Van Wilgenburg is already making a splash in the sports arena.
The young swimmer and runner attends Bayside College and recently competed in the State Athletics Carnival where he won gold in the Athletes with Disability category.
He also won gold during the 100 metre race at the National Trans-Tasman Tournament in Cairns this year as part of the Special Olympics Victorian Melbourne West team.
In addition he won Bayside College’s award for sporting achievements during 2010 and 2011.
Michael said he hoped to compete at the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles during 2015.
“I’ve been to different states as part of the Victorian team and that was amazing,” he said.
“What I enjoy is meeting people from different states and regions, and also training with my coach.
“I always like winning but it’s about having fun.
“I’m always thinking, what can I do to win? But I wish the other team’s good luck at events.”
Although he has learning problems Michael said he liked studying and did not mind balancing homework with his sporting commitments.
“PE is my favourite subject along with Maths and English,” he said.
The devoted athlete said he trains after school and on weekends.
“My family are very proud and helping by taking me to training and events,” he said.
“I was always a sporty person I reckon and I’ve always loved sport.”

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