Helping to frame a good picture

Khush, Jayden and Tayyaba Georgia Metaxas speaks to Bayside College students about photography. 78699 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI Khush, Jayden and Tayyaba Georgia Metaxas speaks to Bayside College students about photography. 78699 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

PHOTOGRAPHER Georgia Metaxas has been making the rounds in Hobsons Bay’s schools conducting workshops for students considering entering the Pixel8 Photo Competition.
With the competition on again, organisers have arranged for the photographer to work with students, giving them a few pointers on what could make a good photo.
“I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet these kids and hopefully encourage them to enter the competition,” she said.
Despite not being a local Ms Metaxas has worked with Hobsons Bay communities before and exhibited at The Substation.
Last week Ms Metaxas conducted three workshops at Williamstown High School, the Visy Centre and Bayside College.
“The response has been good so far,” she said.
“I guess a kid’s first contact with a camera is through a mobile phone.
“I guess the point of these workshops is to show them you don’t need a whiz-bang camera to take a good photo.”
The Pixel8 Photo Competition is now open and runs until Monday 7 May.
An award ceremony will be held on Friday 25 May.
Prizes include three Canon 1100DTKB digital cameras and a $500 prize for the school with the most entries.
For more information on the terms and conditions and to enter, visit

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