100 years young

Felix celebrated his 100th birthday with his daughter Lola and friend from the Polish senior citizen club in Yarraville. 95378 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

TURNING 100 is an incredible achievement so much so that it left one Spotswood resident in a state of disbelief.
Felix Lowezki, who was born on 18 March 1913 in Zhlobin, Belarus celebrated his centenary this week.
At 100 years young the very independent resident is mobile and still loves to dance, even busting out some quick tap and tango moves in the middle of his kitchen.
Despite this he does not believe he reached 100 and when asked by his doctor the secret to living a long life his response is the same: “Live a happy life, that’s it,” Felix said.
“You have to look after yourself and be strong and you need to do everything in moderation.”
Felix was the youngest of six children, with one of his sisters Yelena dying three months shy of 105. President of the Polish senior citizen club in Yarraville, where Felix is a member, Jadwiga Piotiowski said he is friendly to everyone and very well respected.
“I wish everybody would be like him, he’s a very generous person,” Mrs Piotiowski said.
“He likes lots of jokes and has a good sense of humour.”
Felix joined the Russian partisan army towards the end of the Second World War and in 1945 when the war was over he found himself and his friend Karl wandering through Germany.
He met and married Valentina Ivanovna Phunt in Germany.
Mr and Mrs Lowezki settled in a little town called Wolfrasthausen, near a forest, where they had a little farm with two cows, some chickens and two dogs.
In 1947 Felix and Valentina had a daughter and named her Lola.
In 1949 the family travelled by ship to their new home in Australia.The family bought a house in Spotswood in 1953 and Mr Lowezki has lived there ever since.
Felix lost Valentina in December 1990 after 43 years of marriage.
Felix said his house in Spotswood is his freedom and he looks forward to celebrating his birthday with his daughter, Lola and friends from the Polish Senior Citizens Club.

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