A PUSH is underway by Hobsons Bay City Council to improve public transport in the municipality.
Last week the council agreed to develop a discussion paper on Integrated Transport Planning.
Sustainable transport, especially an improved public transport system, was one of the top priorities named by people in the recent Health and Wellbeing plan surveys.
The paper will consider a long-term plan to help guide the development of Hobsons Bay’s transport system over the next 15 years and set out a vision for a transport network in response to growth within and outside of the municipality.
The main issues the paper will include the role transport plays in having a healthy and happy community, the importance of walking and cycling and ways to reduce car use, the importance of a safe, efficient and reliable public transport system in reducing cost of living pressures and demographic changes and the need for transport to adapt.
Mayor of Hobsons Bay Councillor Angela Altair said the discussion paper will take a holistic approach to transport problems and need in the city.
“While the council’s ability to influence state and federal government policies is limited, we can advocate more effectively if we have a clear idea of how we want Hobsons Bay’s transport system to look like and operate,” she said.
Cr Luba Grigorovich said public transport was a “hot issue municipal wide”.
“Any development of a discussion issue will only strengthen Hobsons Bay position in the future,” she said.
Altona Loop Group spokesperson Jennifer Williams said the group has strong views about public transport in the municipality and was disappointed it was not consulted during the papers development.
“We would call for a feasibility study on partial duplication from the Newport junction to Seaholme.”
“And we need better transport options to service the predicted population growth and avoid exacerbating growing road congestion.”
Ms Williams said the council needs to lobby on behalf of the citizens of Hobsons Bay for better consultation with Public Transport Victoria (PTV).
“I’ve noticed some of the eastern suburbs councils have lobbied the government for better transport connection. I think western suburbs council should do this too.”
Cr Colleen Gates said in addition to the public transport woes felt by residents in Hobsons Bay, the discussion paper will focus on all aspects of transport.
“Bicycle paths and getting around Hobsons bay on bicycles is an area of passion for a number of our residents,” she said.
A progress report and recommendations will be presented at a future council meeting.