By Vanessa Chircop
A SPOTSWOOD-based company, Super Special, is doing its bit for disability for the second year in a row, through a Yooralla initiative – YoorallaTEE.
YoorallaTEE aims at engaging with young people, by encouraging them to create a design for T-shirts and asking them to think about disability.
This year, three graphic design students from Bendigo TAFE were nominated as finalists in the competition run by Yooralla and T-Bar.
They are among 16 finalists who will have their designs printed on t-shirts and sold nationally through T-Bar stores.
The judges selected the designs because they best represented this year’s theme Disability = Diversity.
The head of Super Special, Ben Isdale, was surprised at the high quality of designs from this year’s competition.
“Last year we printed some great designs, but this year the level of creativity has blown us away,” Mr Isdale said.
“I think it will be a great opportunity for the students to see what happens behind the scenes.
“Print production is quite involved and designers should be aware of the process that goes into realising their designs for the commercial market.”
Locky Philp, whose design is titled ‘Bear suit’, said disability is such a broad term these days that it’s easily confused with being a negative aspect to person who has a disability.
David Ficken, who called his design ‘Ice cream surprise’, said the competition was a great opportunity to help raise funds for Yooralla and get exposure to his work.
“The theme for me this year meant celebrating the differences that make us individual and unique.”
The top selling T-shirt will receive a cash prize and a contract to design for T-Bar.
The winning designs can be seen at www.yoorallatee.com.au.