Striking a chord

Diego Smith loves being in Williamstown’s orchestra. 71799   Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTDiego Smith loves being in Williamstown’s orchestra. 71799 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

By Vanessa Chircop
A NEW children’s orchestra started last week in Williamstown but the group is calling on more young and budding musicians to get involved.
Karen Kim from Hello Music who runs the program said there hadn’t been a community-based children’s orchestra in Williamstown for 10 years.
“This is a chance for children in the community to play an instrument and to play together,” she said.
Karen said the children were working towards playing at the Carols by Twilight at Federation Square later in the year and would join with another children’s orchestra in Prahran.
The event will raise money for the Little Treasures Foundation.
“It’s teaching children to use musical skills for a worthy cause and it empowers them,” she said.
Despite plenty of interest, Karen said she would like to see more children involved.
“Music is just wonderful for developing concentration, reading and listening skills,” she said.
“Learning to play in an ensemble takes it one step further they have to actually listen out for everyone else as well but not get distracted and watch the conductor.”
For more information about the orchestra call Hello Music on 9533 6222.

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