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Linda Robertson rode in Around the Bay in a Day over the weekend. 71898   Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTLinda Robertson rode in Around the Bay in a Day over the weekend. 71898 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

OVER the weekend more than 18,000 cyclists took part in the Bupa Around the Bay cycling event, including more than 200 Toyota employees and their loved ones.
The Toyota team was the largest corporate team on the day.
Altona plant employee Linda Robertson was one of the many staff to ride in the event.
Linda said it was her first year cycling despite working for Toyota for eight years.
“I’ve been training for the last four weeks,” she said.
“I’ve said I’ve wanted to be part of it for years but this is the first year I’ve got around to it.”
Around the Bay is the only cycling event that allows cyclists to ride over the West Gate Bridge and encourages participants to seek sponsorship to raise money for The Smith Family.
Linda raised more than $350 for the charity.
Team manager Carlo D’Angelo said the team started from humble beginnings in 2005 with 42 riders.
He said the Around the Bay in a Day event created a buzz at Toyota Australia’s manufacturing plant, corporate headquarters and Toyota Style Australia facility.
Toyota had 204 employees and their family and friends participating in this year’s event including 22 in the 250km ride, 46 in the 210km ride, 32 in the 100km ride and 104 in the 50km ride.
Linda road the 50km ride and despite this being her first time she said she wasn’t nervous to take part.
“From a personal point of view this is a great way to stay active,” she said.
Linda said it was also a great opportunity to ride over the West Gate and soak up the atmosphere with fellow riders.

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