Budget spin begins


GORTON MP Brendan O’Connor has applauded the 2013/14 Federal Budget saying it is a “big win” for local residents.
Mr O’Connor said this year’s budget would ensure Gorton constituents got a “fair go” and would keep Australia’s economy strong by making smart investments for the future.
“Make no mistake, this is a government absolutely determined to support jobs and economic growth, and that’s exactly what this budget is all about,” he said.
“The Budget is a big win for Gorton, with huge investments in our classrooms and our kids to give them the best possible start in life.”
Mr O’Connor cited a number of funding projects that will benefit those living in Melbourne’s West including $3 billion towards the construction of the Melbourne Metro rail project and funding for the Creative Young Stars program designed to encourage, support and celebrate the participation of young people in creative, cultural, academic and community events or training.
He also said almost 14,000 families will receive back-to-school costs each year thanks to the government’s Schoolkids Bonus package and 10 local retirement villages will be eligible to receive funding for an extra computer and touch screen monitor as part of the Broadband for Seniors program.
Other budget highlights include money to fund the M80 improvements between the Princes Freeway and the Western Highway and Sunshine Avenue and Calder Freeway and payments of $1622.40 to help single mums back into the workforce via extra study.
However the government has come under fire for scrapping the baby bonus from 1 March 2014. A new payment linked to Family Tax Benefit A would slash the payment for a first child from $5000 to $2000 and for subsequent children from $3000 to $1000.
“Unlike almost any other country, in Australia we have an enviable combination of solid growth, low unemployment and low interest rates because this is a government that has got the big economic calls right,” Mr O’Connor said.

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