Levy surprise

By Natalie Gallenti
A WESTERN Suburbs MP claims the State Government has caught local councils by surprise after introducing legislation that will increase the landfill levies charge by an additional 10 per cent in 2011.
Williamstown MP Wade Noonan said the government’s decision to increase the levies to $44 per tonne, meant councils would be calling on ratepayers to foot the bill.
“I don’t think anyone would argue against measures to promote recycling, but the Baillieu Government gave local councils absolutely no warning of this decision,” Mr Noonan said.
“Local councils have been so caught off guard by this announcement that the first some knew of the increase tax take was when I contacted them.”
The Municipal Association of Victoria stated that some councils would need to raise up to an additional $500,000 this year to cover the unexpected charges.
Brimbank Council’s corporate services general manager Doris Cunningham said the council was aware of the decision to increase the levy for 2011/12.
Ms Cunningham said the latest increase followed on from the significant increase that was introduced in 2010/11.
“In 2011/12, the council will have to add an additional charge to cover the landfill levy for Brimbank residents.
“The increase in the landfill levy will be identified separately on the rates notice and will be $21.95 for households using a 140-litre bin and $32 for households using a 240-litre bin as outlined in the draft budget 2011/12.”

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