A FLURRY of fox sightings has prompted Hobsons Bay City Council to undertake a baiting program.
The council’s works and assets director, Phillip McDonald, said there had recently been several foxes spotted through the municipality – particularly in Altona Meadows.
“Foxes are notoriously difficult to control. Suitable poisons are banned in urban areas and locating a den to fumigate can be difficult,” Mr McDonald said.
“The council has undertaken baiting programs around the municipality for rabbits, which is one of the main food sources for foxes.”
Councillor Luba Grigorovitch said some foxes had been seen in Truganina Park and near the100 Steps to Federation.
Cr Grigorovitch said through baiting rabbits, the council hoped to indirectly affect the fox population through reducing their food supply.
Cr Grigorovitch said 10 residents had contacted her about the fox issue.
“I informed residents that if a fox is on council land, it is the responsibility of the council, however if a fox is on private land, property owners should contact a pest control company to have the animal removed,” she said.
“I believe that the majority of people who contacted me did so as they felt they needed to report the sighting to someone, and I assume they felt their council representative was a good start.”
Pets who eat carrots or animals containing the rabbit bait risk becoming poisoned themselves. The council has erected signs at baited areas. Contact the council on 9932 1000 for more information.