Feast of culture

Brimbank residents Talha and Ahmet happily celebrate Eid and look forward to the festival at Sunshine Mosque this Sunday. 108229 Picture: YASEMIN TALAT


EVERYONE is invited to celebrate friendship, unity and culture at one of the biggest Eid festivals in the Western Suburbs.
Muslims across Brimbank and around the world celebrated Eid al-Adha the Feast of Sacrifice last week, which marked the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.
They will celebrate the occasion at a festival this weekend with friends and neighbours from all cultural backgrounds.
President of the North Cyprus Turkish Islamic Community Ekrem Fuldaglı said everyone was invited to enjoy the market stalls from local businesses and taste the Turkish Cypriot cuisine.
“It’s important for us to interact with the wider community and we hope that will lead to a better understanding and create good will between all community members in the western suburbs,” Mr Fuldaglı said.
Mr Fuldaglı said the Sunshine Mosque was a land mark in the West, with the big building visible from the freeway, which often created curiosity within the community.
He said the upcoming Eid festival was a perfect time for locals to visit the building and enjoy the festivities.
“Here is an opportunity to come to the building and interact with the people, share food, share conversation, dispel ignorance and make new friends,” he said.
“It’s a good opportunity to meet people who are your neighbours.”
There will also be many children’s activities including an animal farm, jumping castle, show bags and face painting.
“We encourage people to come along so they can learn about Islam and learn about our celebrations, see the mosque and enjoy themselves in a relaxed environment,” Mr Fuldaglı said.
“It’s pleasant day out with family and friends.”
The festival will be held at Sunshine Mosque 618 Ballarat Rd, Sunshine, on Sunday 27 October, from 10am to 4pm.

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