Squash hits for fitness

Natalie Sheffield with her son Aaron, will take part in the upcoming Hits & Giggles program in Melton.Picture: NICOLE SULTANA


WOMEN across Melton will soon have the chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life while also getting fit and making new friends when Squash Vic’s Hits & Giggles program comes to town.
The new and innovative program will begin in early November and run over six weeks, with a one-hour coaching session each week.
Executive director at Squash Vic, Fiona Young, said the program was perfect for people that wanted to be active but didn’t have a lot of time to spare. A bonus is that the children’s multi-sport fitness program, ‘Ready Steady Go Kids’, will run simultaneously.
“It is often hard to commit to a sport due to the time required, however Hits & Giggles provides the perfect stepping stone to get back into sport in a social environment with only a commitment of one hour a week,” Ms Young said.
“The beauty of this program, supported by VicHealth, is that it is designed for any fitness and skill level and allows participants to be as competitive or as social as they want.”
She said the program would provide women with the opportunity to try out squash, often wrongly stereotyped as a high impact and male dominated sport, as well as learn new skills and get fit in the company of like-minded women.
Squash Vic Development co-ordinator Tegan Doherty said whether they were signing up on their own or with a group of friends, women would be able to play a new sport in a fun and relaxed environment.
“Making time in their schedule to catch up with friends, relax and have time to themselves is always a struggle. Hits & Giggles allows them to do all three things at the same time,” Ms Doherty said.
Hits & Giggles will be available at Squash Logic Melton on Wednesday mornings from 10.15 to 11.15am, beginning on Wednesday 6 November.
For more information or to sign up to the program, visit www.squashvic.com.au.

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