TEENAGER Achol Arow is not only a fashion model – she is also a positive role model for young women.
The Maidstone resident has entered the Miss South Sudan Australia 2013 competition, which will be held in Ardeer on Friday.
The contest aims to celebrate physical attractiveness but also inner beauty, enhance self-confidence and encourage leadership among young Southern Sudanese women.
After winning a scholarship to Wesley College at age 12, Achol did community work while she was at school, such as tree-planting and fund-raising.
Achol is now completing a diploma in Liberal Arts at Victoria University and said she hopes to study international relations and work for an organisation such as Amnesty International in the future.
She is also a peer educator at Women’s Health West, and has been trained to visit schools and educate youth about healthy relationships.
“I do like modelling a lot. I see modelling as a different side of me,” Achol said. “I love politics and humanities, and the other side of me is like modelling, fashion and glamour.”
Achol received her “first taste” of modelling at the age of 16, after judges including MTV’s Ruby Rose picked her to take part in Melbourne Spring Fashion Week at an open casting session.
However, Miss South Sudan Australia will be her first time on a catwalk in front of her fellow countrymen and women.
“What I have enjoyed is making friends, getting close to my community and also doing something positive for my community,” Achol said.
“I want to be a positive role model and Miss South Sudan is a really good way of doing that and it’s a perfect way to bring everyone together.”
Miss South Sudan Australia will be at the Croatian Catholic Centre, corner Fitzgerald Rd and Whiteside Ave, Ardeer on Friday. Red carpet arrival will be at midday until the show starts at 1pm.