Fine art of botany

Artist Stefan Gevers in his studio. 102422 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


Artist Stefan Gevers in his studio. 102422 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

PEOPLE in the community are invited to learn about a highly specialised art form with a botanic focus.
Artist Stefan Gevers has been running botanic art classes for four years and now, due to popular demand, they have come to the Louis Joel Community Arts and Community Centre in Altona on Friday.
Botanic art or the art of botanical illustration is a highly specialised art form, in which plant portraits combine finely observed detail with artistic expression.
“People quite enjoy working with nature, often they relate it to work they are already doing in the garden … photographers, landscapers, people just want to do something creative, that’s the comment I get quite often,” Stefan said.
Stefan said the classes will introduce people to watercolour and combine the skill of drawing plants and other botanic subjects.
“They will learn a new skill, with that skill they can do something they really enjoy and have fun with.”
But working with watercolour can be quite unforgiving according to Stefan, which is why people need lessons on how to plan and build a painting using it.
“Watercolour is a nice and direct median. It’s spontaneous but can be quite controlled as well.”
He said experience is not needed and all beginners will be taught the basics of working with water colour, pen and ink.
“It’s always fantastic to see what people are doing after a term or two or three years and that’s inspiring … some students gone on to do their own exhibitions.”
Stefan is a professional exhibiting artist with more than 20 years’ experience.
He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree and is a qualified teacher.
Over the years he has taught accredited courses at TAFE and other teaching organisations.
He offers eight-week classes each term and intensive one-day workshops.
For more information contact 0431 828 402.

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