Lemon drive is more than fair

Every lemon will make a difference. THB members Kate Leslie, left and Wendy Clarke. 102296 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


DURING August members of community group Transition Hobsons Bay (THB) hope to pedal more than 50 kilograms of lemons to charity organisation Foodbank Victoria.
THB are collecting locally grow lemons from Hobsons Bay residents to donate to Foodbank Victoria who will distribute them to their network of charitable organisation.
THB member Wendy Clarke said the lemon drive will run as an event during Fair Food Week that will be held on the 19 to 25 August and complements the group’s annual lemon run.
Wendy said last year the group collected 62 kilograms of lemons as part of a THB Glut and Glean project which aimed to harvest fruit from trees in Hobsons Bay where it would otherwise go to waste.
This year Wendy said the group will aim to collect 50 kilograms of the fruit.
“Lemons are not so perishable and they’ll store out of the fridge,” Wendy said.
She said the group soon discovered the large volume of lemons people have in the Western Suburbs that largely drop on the ground and go to waste.
“It fits in with THS’s aims: sustainable living, using and having a local source of food and honouring that food.”
Wendy said anyone in Hobsons Bay that has a lemon tree or can make a donation should consider taking part.
Donations can be made at two local drop off points during Fair Food Week.
“It’s important from the perspective that food doesn’t go to waste and be redistributed to people who may not have means to assess fresh food normally.”
She said it was also a lovely way to interact with locals and build relationships.
“It’s a lovely way to build community.”
The two drop off points are located at Newport – under the carport at 81 Anderson St and Williamstown – on the front verandah of 82 Bayview St.

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