Positive outlook to standalone fixtures

Manor Lakes took on Laverton under lights in round one this year. 96770 Picture DAMIAN VISENTINI


MORE standalone fixtures could be on the cards for Western Region Football League clubs in the future. League football operations manager David Newton believes there are a number of positives for clubs playing outside the traditional Saturday afternoon timeslot. Already this season, Manor Lakes, St Albans and Deer Park have utilised the standalone fixtures to great success.
“It is something that we are always happy to promote if the clubs want to go down that path,” Newton said.
“It does give clubs an opportunity to get some clear air in regards to having a standalone game on at those times whether that be a Friday night, Saturday night or even Sundays.
“It provides a bit of additional spotlight to our competition if people outside the league and away from their own football commitments can have the opportunity to watch a game, which is certainly positive.
“The clubs tend to get a great uptake of spectators and some additional revenue raising due to that.”
The latest standalone fixture in the WRFL saw Manor Lakes and Braybrook do battle last Friday night.
The league has also had great feedback from public holiday fixtures.
Earlier this year, St Albans and Hoppers Crossing played in front of a huge crowd on Good Friday while Braybrook also hosted a match on Anzac Day.
Newton said the WRFL was happy to see more standalone fixtures in the future.
“From a league point of view, we don’t go out there to initiate those games. It is something that the clubs go out there, and if they want to put something like that together then we support them,” he said.
“In line with the fixture, I’m not sure if we would ever be in a position where we try and promote a match of the day on a Sunday.
“It can be tough enough to get the guys and all the volunteers ready on a weekly basis for a time that is set in stone, so I know those clubs who do go to the effort of changing games, it is certainly a lot of effort to make sure people are available.”

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