Help comes hot and hearty

Kerry Cook, Sandra Elliott, Josie Cornish and Matthew Kean from The Salvation Army hope to be dishing up some soup for the people in Laverton soon. 69175   Picture: JOE MASTROIANNIKerry Cook, Sandra Elliott, Josie Cornish and Matthew Kean from The Salvation Army hope to be dishing up some soup for the people in Laverton soon. 69175 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

By Vanessa Chircop
‘PEOPLE in our community should never go hungry’ – this is what Altona Lions Club and The Salvation Army strongly believe.
To see this statement become a reality, the two organisations have joined forces with the hope of starting a soup and sandwich van in Laverton.
The project, which is still in the planning stages, could soon be hitting the streets after a $3500 donation from the council’s 2011 Mayoral Program which will help get if off the ground.
Altona Lions Club president Kerry Cook told the Star that members of the club already volunteered with other soup kitchens but they saw a need for one in Laverton as well.
“I have seen the homelessness in Hobsons Bay,” she said.
“I’ve seen them in the parks in Laverton.”
Ms Cook said the van would not only be targeting people living on the streets but also those couch surfing and generally doing it tough.
“No-one in our area should go hungry,” she said.
The program will be funded mainly by The Salvation Army and the Lions club, which make most of its money by holding barbecues and selling Christmas Cakes.
Hobsons Bay mayor Michael Raffoul said there was an identified need for a soup and sandwich van in Laverton.
“Homelessness and food security are not always evident in our community but both are serious issues that affect people in Hobsons Bay,” he said.
“I hope that this van will provide a nutritious meal for young people in need and would like to eventually see it expanded to operate more widely and frequently.
“We are all people and should do whatever we can to look after others.”
Ms Cook said if all went well they hoped the program would have well and truly started by November, once a week on Friday evenings.

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