Plenty of character

STUDENTS at Altona Green Primary School were thrilled to be given the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book characters for Book Week this month. Young  Eleni donned a red and white stripe hat, dressing as Dr Seuss’s classic and mischievous character The Cat in the Hat, while her class-mate Nathan left  everyone spell-bound by his Harry Potter costume. 69043 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKISTUDENTS at Altona Green Primary School were thrilled to be given the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book characters for Book Week this month. Young Eleni donned a red and white stripe hat, dressing as Dr Seuss’s classic and mischievous character The Cat in the Hat, while her class-mate Nathan left everyone spell-bound by his Harry Potter costume. 69043 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

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