Adult learning
BRIMBANK Neighbourhood houses and community centres will celebrate Adult Learners Week with an expo on Friday 9 September at West Sunshine Community Centre, 25 Kermeen St, from 10 am-2pm. Come along and find out what is available for adult learners in Brimbank, enjoy displays, entertainment and pick up an information pack. Inquiries: 9311 5888.
Australian Air Force Cadets
416 SQUADRON Australian Air Force Cadets meet Friday Nights from 6.45pm-10.30pm during term time. Boys and girls 13 to 18 years old from the Brimbank and Melton areas are eligible to join. Leadership skills, aeronautical knowledge and fieldcraft skills are among subjects taught. Inquiries: Anyone interested in joining should email Flying Officer (AAFC) John White at
Women’s Health Day
THE Rotary Club of Keilor Women’s Health Forum will be on from 11am-2pm Sunday 28 August at the Errington Community Centre, Princess St, St Albans featuring high profile keynote speakers on the five most significant women’s health issues in Melbourne’s West. Free entry and refreshments. Inquiries: Pat Draper on 9337 8914.
Father’s Day event
THE Maltese Folklore Club Inc is organising a Fathers’ Day Eve Family Dance on Saturday 3 September from 6pm onwards at 4-6 Gooding St, St. Albans with DJ Genesis providing entertainment. Cost: Members $7, non-members $10 entry donation. Inquiries: For bookings call Elaine on 0402 578 672.
The art of henna
THE art of henna is one of the purest forms of natural body decoration. Learn how to apply henna decoration and explore diverse cultural practices of this art. Commencement of the course will begin in August dependent on the number of enrolments. Contact Cairnlea Community Hub on 9363 4800 for bookings and for further information.
Cairnlea Walking Group
MEET new friends, keep healthy and have fun. Walk at your own pace and stay for morning tea afterwards. It is held on Tuesdays at 9.30am. Contact Cairnlea Community Hub on 9363 4800 for bookings and for further information.
Zumb Atomic
BRING your kids along to this exuberant Latin dance and movement course, the perfect way for children to exercise, dance and stay fit while having a great time. Thursday 4-4.45pm (four to seven-year-olds) and 5-5.45pm (eight to 12 year-olds).
Inquiries: Cairnlea Community Hub on 9363 4800 for further information and to enrol.
Seniors Club
THE Sunny West Seniors Club is looking for new members. They meet every Tuesday from 11am-3pm at the West Sunshine Community Centre, 22 Kermeen St, West Sunshine.
Garden Club
SUNSHINE Golden Age Garden Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Glengala Community Centre Centre, Simmie St and Glengala Rd, West Sunshine at 7.30pm.
Friendship Group
FRIENDSHIP group for singles over 45, established in 2000, meets on Wednesday evenings for coffee and chat. Social activities on weekends. Inquiries: Betty on 9369 3605 or Graham on 9315 1532.
German Club
MAKE new friends at the German Club at Keilor Downs Community Centre on alternative Fridays from 11am-2pm. Inquiries: Irene on 9366 3459 or 9366 1094.
Gardeners wanted
KEILOR Garden Club meets on the last Friday of the month at the Keilor Primary School, Kennedy St, Keilor, at 8pm. We have great guest speakers at the meetings. September’s guest will be well-known gardening guru Vasili. There is also a wonderful show bench and supper provided, we also run bus trips during the year. Come along and be part of a great club. Inquiries: Jerry on 0405 494 569.
Bridge classes
NEW and experienced bridge players are welcome at classes. Learn afresh or improve your skills for this popular world-wide card game. For more information, including membership for the U3A, telephone 9356 9085.
Cardio tennis
GET fit in the fresh air while learning tennis. Sunshine Park Tennis Club Parsons Reserve Stanford St, Sunshine. Call 0423 195 106 or 9363 3228 for more details.
Community choir
IF YOU enjoy singing and want to share the experience with other like-minded people, then come and join our community choir. The choir meets on a Thursday night from 7.30pm to 9pm at Brimbank Salvation Army, cnr Kings Rd and Roseleigh Blvd, Sydenham. For inquiries, call: 9390 6111.
Call centre course
A COURSE, ‘Working in a Call Centre’, will be on at the Sydenham Community Centre soon. Learn about different types, what it’s like to work in one and explore whether it is right for you. This course will also cover how to provide good customer service. Inquiries: the Sydenham Community Centre on 9390 3977 to enrol.