Giving to help others

Christmas spirit ... Shane Scott from the Salvation Army, Loiuse Grbac and Greg Balmforth from Watergardens, Joe Quinoy, Catherine Taylor from Star, Deb Thorne, Ryan Monaghan, Cliff Streete, Bianca Moffatt, Barry Near and Ryan Pascoe. 56262 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIChristmas spirit … Shane Scott from the Salvation Army, Loiuse Grbac and Greg Balmforth from Watergardens, Joe Quinoy, Catherine Taylor from Star, Deb Thorne, Ryan Monaghan, Cliff Streete, Bianca Moffatt, Barry Near and Ryan Pascoe. 56262 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

WATERGARDENS Town Centre recently launched their ninth annual Salvation Army Gift Bag Appeal last w
The appeal, partly sponsored by Star, invites residents to contribute food, toys and other items to make up Christmas hampers for people in need.
Bags are available from the Brimbank City Council offices, Keilor Downs Police Station and Watergardens. The Salvation Army will be collecting the bags from Watergardens until 20 December.

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