Less crime a win for traders

By Alesha Capone
TRADERS from the Deer Park Town Centre have welcomed a reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour in the Ballarat Rd area, after joining forces with police and Brimbank City Council to combat the problem.
Since August, Star has reported the traders’ concerns about bashings, armed robberies, drug dealing, prostitution, street violence and gang activities in the shopping strip.
But at the third meeting of the Deer Park Residents and Traders Association (DPRTA), the council and police last week, traders reported the situation has taken a turn for the better.
“The general feeling of traders and customers is, they feel like they’ve been listened to,” DPRTA president Chris Luu said.
“We see more police there so that’s good. The council has tidied up the area and cleaned up the syringes.
“The general feeling is that it’s been positive, the council has listened to the concerns of traders and residents, but there’s still more to do.”
Mr Luu said a survey of traders, carried out since the last meeting in October, listed suggestions for the town centre’s future.
These included increasing police presence at night, improving security with lights and CCTV, improving graffiti clean-ups, better footpaths and landscaping.
Another DPRTA member, Les Tarczon, said the prostitute who frequented the shopping strip, propositioning customers and school students, has not been seen recently.
He also said people have been putting syringes into the “black boxes” provided near the centre.
“I’m happy to report I only found two syringes in the last few weeks where there used to be a big heap,” he said.
The traders have also banded together to use a vacant shop as a drop-in and information service for residents, for the next six months.

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