Separation idea unites folk

By Natalie Gallenti
ST ALBANS traders and residents have welcomed an announcement by the State Opposition that it will implement a grade separation on the infamous Main Rd crossing if it wins the election on Saturday.
The Coalition has committed $150 million to the project, with $10 million in the first term.
The announcement comes only a week after the State Government vowed to fund the project, after years of tireless campaigning from the St Albans community.
St Albans Traders Association member Asip Demiri welcomed the announcement and thanked MPs Marlene Kairouz, Telmo Languiller and Roads Minister Tim Pallas, for “working with the community and getting it to this stage.”
But he has called on both parties to provide transparency throughout the process.
“This community has had a gutful of promises and talk,” Mr Demiri said.
“We want to see the money on the table…and we need to know when the process will start and finish.”
After over a decade of vigorous campaigning, Mr Demiri admitted the community was fearful this may yet be another empty promise by political parties vying for votes.
“We can’t believe it until we see it.”
Sebastian Agricola, president of the traders’ group, said while he was delighted with the funding announcement “things could always go wrong.”
“But I am prepared to take people on their word and welcome it unreservedly,” he added.
He did, however, question the nature of the support and suggested the project should be completed within the first term.
“I would call on them to allocate all the money in the first term,” Mr Agricola said.
“Waiting two terms is too long…but it’s (the announcement) a good start.”
Coalition leader Ted Baillieu said the incumbent Government’s failure to fix the notoriously dangerous crossing meant constant bottlenecks, traffic gridlocks and unacceptable delays.
“Our plan will separate cars and trains, along with pedestrians and bikes, to free up the intersection.”

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