“YOU don’t have to have a big budget, just a big imagination.”
That’s filmmaker Kenan Grebenarevic’s top tip for film-making.
Kenan is one of the organisers of the Sunshine Short Film Festival, an inaugural event that invites filmmakers of all experiences and ages to create their own five-minute film.
Sponsored by Brimbank City Council, Victoria University, Halo Media, the Sunshine Business Association, Village Cinemas, Sunshine Plaza and Star News Group, prizes include a private screening at Village Cinemas Gold Class, cameras and phones, with a total prize pool of $5000.
Workshops are being held for entrants over the coming weeks, giving directors a chance to swap ideas and get feedback or technical help.
Kenan said entries are rolling in for the festival, with hundreds of students from schools in the West already signing up.
“It’s (filmmaking) not as hard as people usually think it is, and once people realise that they get into it,” Kenan said.
He’s taking the Victoria University mobile van out on the road for workshops this Saturday 28 July, Saturday 11 August and Saturday 25 August and had some tips for people thinking of entering.
“Have a simple idea, a simple story and a nice tightly knit group of people,” Kenan said.
“The more people you have involved, the more complicated it gets and the more time consuming it is.”
He said the best stories would “come from the heart” and was keen to see a variety of films screen at the festival in September.
Entries close 5pm Friday 31 August.
The Sunshine Short Film Festival will screen from 12 to 14 September at Village Cinemas Sunshine.
For more information on the workshops or festival visit www.sunshinefilmfestival.com.au or email admin@sunshinefilmfestival.com.au