Class back to school

Mount Saint Joseph Girls College graduating class of 1993, pictured, is calling on all alumni to celebrate its 20 year reunion. 105779 Picture: SUPPLIED


MOUNT Saint Joseph Girls College alumni are being asked to step back in time to celebrate its Class of 1993 reunion.
The Altona-based school will celebrate its 20-year reunion with a committee of former students organising the event calling on all ex-students to celebrate the auspicious occasion.
Alumni and organising member Samantha Catlow said the event had been planned for the past eight months with social networking site Facebook helping to spread the word out.
Ms Catlow said more than 60 girls had confirmed they were attending the reunion, which represents more than half of the 1993 graduating class, but there were more students who had not contacted the organisers yet.
She said the ability to connect with people through their own Facebook page had been a key driver in connecting with ex-students but people could also make contact by email.
“We’ve been so grateful to have many happy memories during our high school years at Mount Saint Josephs.
“This 20-year reunion will allow us to reconnect and catch up with our old school mates.”
Ms Catlow said the reunion would be a great opportunity for former students to re-connect and share stories.
“It’s a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and share happy times and memories they experienced 20 years ago,” she said.
“MSJGC is a very spirited girls-only school, there were many great friendships developed over those years and to reconnect with people will be wonderful.”
The event will be held on Sunday 13 October, starting with a private guided tour of the school by the principal and followed by a cocktail party at Mosaic Restaurant in Pier St, Altona.
“The night will be filled with presentations of old school photography, events and a video that occurred during the six years at the high school.”
Tickets are $35 per head.
For more information or to book email

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