Film finance


A group of second-year film students is trying to raise funds to support the making of their short film, which will be shot in Altona and Williamstown. 105718 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

A GROUP of second-year film students from Swinburne University is filming in Altona and Williamstown and is calling on locals to help fund their project.
Producer of the short film Julia Sammut said the group was seeking “crowd funding” to raise money for the project so it could be made on film stock instead of digitally.
Julia said the ambitious young film-makers wanted to ditch digital and go back to the traditional ways of making movies to create a dynamic film.
“Film has a distinct uniqueness that cannot be achieved with digital. However, we have to completely fund our own film and 16mm film is an expensive medium.”
The film follows Oscar, a troubled man newly released from prison.
Looking for answers as to where his life went off track, he decides to pay his old primary teacher Mrs Fletcher a visit.
Convinced she is the reason for why his life went off track, Oscar comes up with a fitting revenge.
Julia said the five-person crew were all film and television students from Swinburne University. She said the short student film was a major assessment for one of their classes, ‘Cinematography and Lighting: Film Production.’
“We’ve decided to film locally due to the beautiful locations and the residential atmosphere,” she said.
“We want the community vibe of the Altona and Williamstown areas to be mirrored through our film.”
She said there was a degree of convenience and practicality about shooting locally.
“On a more practical side, the director and producer grew up in the Altona area, so they are familiar with multiple locations.”
She said all crew and actors were volunteers, but they were looking for support with the process of purchasing film and processing.
The group started a crowd funding page on ‘Pozible’, a website that allows pledges or donations to help support diverse projects.
Visit for more information.

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