Health check for men

Hobsons Bay Men's Shed members Graham Weightman, left, and Kerry Duke will get their "engines" checked at the upcoming Spanner in the Works event. 106026 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


THE Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed is asking men to have their engine checked.
This Thursday 10 October, the Men’s Shed is inviting men to attend Spanner in the Works.
South Western Melbourne Medicare Local (SWMML), in partnership with the Australian Men’s Shed Association, is conducting free health checks for local men through the program ‘Spanner in the Works’.
“We’re aiming to remind local men that, like their cars, they too need a regular service and encourage them to come along and have their blood pressure, weight and hearing checked,” president of Rotary Club of Williamstown Kathy Roberts said.
The day provides men of all ages the opportunity to drop in and “have their engine checked” free of charge.
Health pit stops include oil pressure (blood pressure), chassis (weight and diet) and the doof doof sound system (hearing).
Earlier in the year, SWMML conducted a community survey and identified a range of health concerns among men in Hobsons Bay, including drinking, smoking, obesity and diabetes.
SWMML Chief Executive Officer Gaylene Coulton said it was a key priority to improve understanding of good health among hard-to-reach groups in Hobsons Bay and Wyndham, which included men of all ages.
“Statistics indicate that 70 per cent of male residents in Hobsons Bay are overweight or obese and almost 45 per cent of males drink alcohol at levels that put their health either at risk or at high risk, in the short term,” Ms Coulton said.
‘Spanner in the Works’ plays upon the idea that men often pay more attention to the health of their vehicles more than their own health.
According to Ms Coulton, the main objective of ‘Spanner in the Works’ is to create an atmosphere in which men could come along for a health check and feel comfortable.
“Through this event, we aim to reach out to men and encourage them to talk about their health as well as giving them an opportunity to learn more about health and wellbeing,” Ms Coulton said.
Men of Hobsons Bay and Wyndham are encouraged to drop in and have their health checked at the Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed between 11.30am and 4pm on Thursday 10 October.

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