Lock up valuables call


HOBSONS Bay’s top cop has issued another warning for residents to be more careful when it comes to protecting valuables in your car.
Hobsons Bay Police Inspector Richard Paterson said the issue of carelessness was an ongoing issue in the area.
He said theft of and from motor vehicles was still a big issue in the area, with the large portion of street-parked vehicles targeted being unlocked or having valuables clearly visible from outside.
“Several burglaries on premises such as houses and garages have seen the offender enter through unlocked windows and doors and then steal valuables inside,” Insp Paterson said.
“Several thefts have resulted from people leaving their mobile phones, laptops and cash on shop counters, on chairs and tables and in toilets and forgetting to pick them up.”
According to the latest Victoria Police crime statistics theft from motor vehicle jumped by 8.9 per cent between July 2012 and June 2013, while theft of motor vehicle rose by 3.3 per cent.
He said another example of carelessness in the municipality was two separate motor vehicle collisions that resulted from two drivers under the influence of alcohol.
Police believe one incident occurred as a result of fatigue and another by falling asleep while driving.
“Although these incidents add to the police statistics, it has a terrible effect on those people involved,”Insp Paterson said, adding that the collisions occurred overnight between 10pm and 4am recently.
He said the offending drivers would be going to court to face traffic charges, with the very high likelihood that their driving licence will be cancelled.
“We can all help by reducing incidents of crime by locking doors, taking valuables inside, being aware of our surroundings and driving only when fit to do so.”
He said these simple things would assist in reducing these police incidents.

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