Security beef up at meetings


MELTON City Council meetings continue to attract a large police contingent with at least 16 officers out in force last week.
The strong police presence, compounded with extra security guards, comes amid a tumultuous year for the council that has included allegations by gallery members of corruption and formal complaints to the Local Government Inspectorate.
Unlike previous meetings that have been called off by the council due to a raucous chamber, last week’s meeting went off without a hitch.
However, some residents have been left shaking their heads at the number of police in attendance at the last two meetings.
A letter received by Star from one disgruntled resident that wished to remain anonymous said, “it seems the new headquaters for the Melton police are at the Melton Council building, or at least on a public council meeting night”.
“An entourage of 16 police, as well as four security guards, swarmed in and around the council building at last night’s meeting.
The matter of police resources and expenditure for extra security guards also arose during public question time when local resident Nathan Miles asked the council to reveal how much it has spent on employing more security guards for its monthly meetings.
In response to the question, chief executive officer Kelvin Tori said that he had an “obligation to provide a safe working environment” for councillors and officers as well as members of the public and he was “taking it very seriously”.

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