Students show flair for fashion

The award-winning team of student designers and models from St Albans Secondary College including Akoi Arok in an elegant black gown, Victoria Obieglo in an amazing floral outfit and Angelic Doan in beautiful blue. 105939 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


WELCOME to St Albans Secondary College – the most stylish school in the state.
The college has received the ’school of the year’ trophy at the Fashion Awards Australia gala finale presentation, for accumulating the most points across all categories on the night.
St Albans Secondary College students showed around 40 stunning designs in the ceremony, which was staged at the Lakeside Banquet and Convention Centre in Taylors Lakes.
Senior art teacher Michael Bowden said he has seen the college enter the fashion awards for nine years, but 2013 has been the first time they have received the ’school of the year’ prize.
“I was pretty excited about it and also we have never won the Long Gown section before, so I was very excited about that,” Mr Bowden said.
“The whole school is, there has been a lot of buzz about it.
“It is one thing to have a lot of entries, it is another to have quality.
“In some of the sections, we got first and then second or third, so it speaks to the quality of the student’s entries.”
In addition, three St Albans pupils modelled outfits for professional designers, tertiary students and their fellow college pupils during the awards.
“What I enjoy is seeing kids that I’ve taught since Year 7 – seeing them have a really positive experience, win, get a place, participate, get out there – which is great,” Mr Bowden said.
Mr Bowden said several Year 12 students from St Albans Secondary College would soon be studying fashion at university after completing their VCE studies, although the industry has a reputation for being tough.
“If they are really talented and really hardworking, they will find a place for themselves,” Mr Bowden said.

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