Call for restraint

Little Alyssa and Noah have their restraints checked by Leading Senior Constable Mark Wood 99950 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


Little Alyssa and Noah have their restraints checked by Leading Senior Constable Mark Wood 99950 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

MELTON residents are being encouraged to visit Woodgrove Shopping Centre this weekend to learn how to keep their littlest loved ones safe in a vehicle.
Operation Safe Family will see police set up various displays in the High Street shopping centre, offering crime prevention advice to members of the public.
The event, which is run in conjunction with the City of Melton, Melton Lions Club and Woodgrove Shopping Centre, will take place Saturday from 10am to 2pm.
Inspector Stephen Mutton said there will be an opportunity for one-way number plate screws to be fitted to cars while an accredited restraint fitter will be on hand to install approved infant and child restraints in a wide variety of vehicles, and will check that child restraints are installed correctly.
Insp Mutton said Operation Safe Family was about community engagement.
“This is a great opportunity for members of the public to meet their local police and get some general tips and advice,” he said.
“We’re encouraging parents of young children to take advantage of the free child restraint fittings and checks that will be on offer, to ensure their child has the correct restraint for their height and age and that it is correctly fitted to the vehicle.”
He said it was incredibly important to ensure that children were correctly restrained, and the police were hopeful the service would have an impact on reducing the number of infants injured on Melton roads.
The operation comes in the wake of warnings from police that number plate thefts have been prevalent in the City of Melton in recent weeks.
“Criminals typically use the plates to steal petrol, evade freeway tolls and avoid road safety cameras.
“The community can help police by replacing the standard number plate screws with the one-way security screws. These act as a deterrent to thieves.”
There will also be a free barbecue.

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