Gators go pink

Emma Coyne goes pink for charity.  84414 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIEmma Coyne goes pink for charity. 84414 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

THE Altona Gators hosted their Annual Pink Event to raise money for breast cancer over the weekend.
The event, which is now in its third year, has become a tradition for many Hobsons Bay locals and included four teams play off in the name of the charity.
The Altona Gators women’s team donned special pink uniforms for the event while its men’s team wore pink shoe laces.
Team captain Emma Coyne said she was proud to play at the event.
“It’s a pretty big day for us,” she said.
“We always try and outdo the year before.”
Emma said though she has never been personally affected by breast cancer she has known many people who have.
“We really look forward to the day and enjoy being able to give back to the community.”
Emma said it was important for local athletes to set an example and get involved.
The team have set up an Everyday Hero Fundraising page for the event.
To make a donation visit

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