TRANSPORT is shaping to be a key priority for Victorian voters in the 2014 election as Labor releases its new transport plan.
Project 10,000, announced last week, is an alternative to the government’s $8 billion East West Link.
Labor plans to sell the long-term lease on the Port of Melbourne to fund its $6 billion project to get rid of the most dangerous and congested level crossings.
Hobsons Bay Mayor Sandra Wilson welcomed the new transport plan.
“We welcome any commitment to improve transport across Hobsons Bay and will work with all levels of government to secure better public transport and improved road networks,” she said.
Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews said the project would support the state’s and economy’s growth.
As part of Project 10,000, 50 level crossings would be removed with 40 locations already identified across the suburban rail network.
This includes the level crossing on Ferguson St, Williamstown.
“We think communities will be supportive of that because it’s the right thing to do,” Mr Andrews said.
According to the plan, the removal of these crossing will reduce congestion for communities.
Shadow Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan said over the past decade there have been almost 200 level crossings crashes, sadly this has resulted in many deaths.
“Removing 50 level crossings will increase safety and improve travel time for motorists and allow more train services to run during peak times.”
If elected, Labor pledges to create 10,000 construction jobs, build Melbourne Metro Rail into a world-class public transport system, double the size of the City Loop, build five new train stations and build the West Gate Distributor to take 5000 trucks a day off the West Gate Bridge.
“We think (the West Gate Distributor) is practical, common sense, real action,” Mr Andrews said.
He said the new road and significant upgrades to roads in and around the port would be a toll road that will take at least 5000 trucks off the West Gate.
“The West Gate is one of the worst congestion hot spots in our state, this is real and meaningful.
“It will happen, it can be afforded, and it will be delivered and performing its function before the end of a first term of a future Labor Government.”
Williamstown MP Wade Noonan said the transport alternative would create many benefits for Melbourne and the inner west.
“I couldn’t be prouder of Labor’s commitment to build a truck bypass road from the West Gate Freeway to the Port of Melbourne.
“This will take thousands of trucks off local roads and transform suburbs such as Yarraville, Seddon and Kingsville forever,” he said.
“By improving the local road network, removing dangerous level crossings and investing in public transport, Victorian Labor will ensure Melbourne’s suburbs remain liveable.”