Minister nil on mill invite



SAVE Williamstown has invited three politicians to a public meeting about redeveloping the former Port Phillip Woollen Mill amid concerns about protecting safety and heritage at the site.

Save Williamstown’s Godfrey Moase said the group had invited Planning Minister Matthew Guy along with MPs Bernie Finn and Andrew Elsbury to attend the meeting on Saturday 8 December.

Last week, Star contacted the three politicians to ask if they would attend the meeting.

Mr Finn said he would send a representative as he had a previous engagement.

Mr Elsbury’s spokeswoman said he would attend the meeting.

However Mr Guy’s media spokeswoman did not respond to Star.

Mr Moase said Save Williamstown organised the meeting followed an independent report into the safety dangers of high density development on the former mill site.

In a letter to Mr Guy, Mr Moase said there was community concern about building a residential complex next to Mobil’s Point Gellibrand terminal which is classified as a major hazard facility.

“I believe the Victorian Government deserves the opportunity to explain to Williamstown residents exactly how it is prioritising and looking after our safety in the context of this development,” the letter said.

Save Williamstown’s website shows six of the 14 lots where the mill owners hope to build townhouses and apartments are partially located in the Worksafe major hazard facility advisory buffer.

Worksafe’s website said it generally advises against developments within these zones including residential proposals where a large number of people “likely to be present are not able to safely respond to a potential emergency situation”.


The Save Williamstown public meeting will be on at 10am Saturday 8 December at the Mechanics Institute, 5 Electra St, Williamstown.

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