Police swoop on burglar



POLICE pounced on a Werribee home last week, arresting a man that had allegedly stolen computer equipment worth thousands of dollars from local schools.

Members of the Altona North Divisional Response Unit executed a search warrant on a house in Market Rd in Werribee at around 9.45am on Wednesday 21 November.

Sergeant Greg Teesdale told Star that a 36-year-old man was arrested as a result of the search which also uncovered a clandestine drug lab producing methamphetamines.

“He was arrested in relation to the burglaries and police found iPads, laptop computers and overhead projectors at the address,” Sgt Teesdale said.

“The value of the stolen items is estimated to be around $12,000. We’ve probably only recovered a fraction of what was stolen at this stage.”

It is alleged that the thefts occurred at schools in both the Wyndham and Hobsons Bay municipalities.

According to Sgt Teesdale the man was also charged for the possession of drugs of dependence and he was remanded in custody to appear in court on 14 February.

“It’s great for our members to be able to shut down the drug lab because there is obviously so much of a danger, especially because it was set up in a high residential area if it was to explode then people could get seriously injured,” he said.

It was the second search warrant executed by the Altona North DRU that day, Sgt Teesdale said.

Anyone with information should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.



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