Disability forum

AN inspirational showcase of speakers and performers will promote active participation and contributions by people with a disability at the ‘Be who you want to be – Disability Community Forum and Masquerade Ball’.
Hobsons Bay Mayor and Disability Advisory Committee Chair Tony Briffa said the forum on Wednesday 28 March from 5.30pm at Grand Star Receptions in Altona North was an opportunity to give a voice to people with disability.
“Hobsons Bay is already doing great things to support people with a disability, we are a community that values diversity, promotes social connections and encourages participation,” he said.
“Through its Disability Action Plan, the council articulates its vision for a municipality that is inclusive of all.”
Cr Briffa said the forum will showcase what people with a disability are capable of and provide a line of communication between the council and people with a disability and their carers.
Numbers to the ‘Be who you want to be – Disability Community Forum and Masquerade Ball’ are limited.
To book your place by 14 March, and for more information, visit www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/disabilityforum or call 9932 1000.

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