Funds needed to keep RSL

President Jim Gresty with some supporters. 77595 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI President Jim Gresty with some supporters. 77595 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

By Vanessa Chircop
SINCE 1945 the Newport RSL has been operating in Hobsons Bay.
It may be one of the smallest RSL’s in the area but the impact it’s had on the community has been grand.
With the RSL’s plumbing needing to be completely redone they desperately need to raise $8000 if they’re going to continue to be part of the Hobsons Bay community.
Musician Paul Zappa said the Newport RSL is unique to the community.
“They’ve been helping bands out of years, letting them rehearse here for free,” he said.
“Normally it would cost a band $70 to rehearse in a studio.
“These clubs are often forgotten a lot.”
Mr Zappa said unlike other RSL’s the Newport RSL does not rely on electronic gaming machines to generate income.
“They rely on membership and the bar,” he said.
A group of musicians have come together to organise a fundraising day and give back to the club.
Lizzy Martin described the RSL as a family.
“Something has to be done – everybody here is so lovely.”
Club President Jim Gresty said he hoped they raise more than $8000 so other repairs around the club can also be attended to.
A total of 21 bands have donated their time on the day where there will be raffles, auctions and a barbecue.
The fundraiser will start at midday on Saturday 3 March and finish at 1am the following morning.
Mr Gresty said he hopes members of the community come down and show their support and enjoy a fun day with the family.
Pointing to the names of the RSL’s fallen servicemen Mr Gresty said “that’s what we keep the club going for”.
For information, to sponsor the event or to make a donation contact Lizzy on 9689 8000 or Susie on 0432 500 474.

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