KATRINA Wright is very close to her cousin who has taught her a lot about strength, courage and human determination in-spite of terrible odds.
Katrina’s cousins Susan Abbey was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2004 when she was just 31, the same age Katrina is now.
“When she was diagnosed it hit home what the disease is and how it can affect your life,” Katrina said.
MS is a chronic and often debilitating disease which affects more than 23,000 Australians. It randomly attacks the central nervous system, stopping the brain communicating with the rest of the body.
The consequences of MS can include extreme fatigue and chronic pain, vision, cognitive and mobility issues, right through to permanent disability.
Susan has a little boy and works part-time as a cashier.
Katrina said she has been inspired by Susan who was someone she looks up to.
“It’s motivational seeing someone so young and having such side effects can go to work and life a happy life and still smile.”
“It does limit her a little bit, but she’s quite stubborn and won’t let it take over her life.”
“Her motto is one step at a time. She thinks about doing one day and seeing what next day will bring.”
For the first time this year Susan will join Katrina and 13 members who make team “Susie’s Angels”.
Susie’s Angels will join 10,000 people in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney who will participate in the annual MS Walk and Fun Run on 2 June.
Katrina said Susan is an active volunteer of the event, but for the first time will be able to walk the five-kilometre or 10-kilometre track with her team in a motorised scooter.
“Each time I see her it hits home more and more why I take part in these events. And support these people who do amazing things with such a hard disease to deal with,” she said.
“It’s more of a heartfelt thing that I’m able to use my body, that I’m able to enjoy a lovely day out with family and friends that I’m able to raise money for research and resources.”
Katrina encouraged others to use their legs and support a great cause.
“It’s a simple thing and a simple token, if you’ve got a spare moment take a walk around the lake,” he said.
The event will take part at Albert Park Lake.
To donate to Susie’s Angels visit http://register.mswalk.org.au/2013-MS-Walk-and-Fun-Run-Melbourne/Susies+Angels