Daniel Clarke is prepared to shock and awe audiences in his new production Palace of the End by Judith Thompson. 99380 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI
SOMETIMES you can’t underestimate the influence that a popular children’s sing-along movie like Mary Poppins can have on a six-year-old.
For Daniel Clarke, watching Mary Poppins set him on a life course that led to his professional career today as the creative producer/CEO of Theatre Works in St Kilda.
“I saw Mary Poppins and told Mum and Dad I wanted to be an actor,” he said.
Daniel pursued his original dream of acting from his home town of South Australia, where he studied acting and theatre in Australian and overseas.
But three years into his acting course, he decided directing was more in his repertoire.
“That happened quite organically – there was a show I wanted to direct from overseas, I brought it back to Australia, it kind of went from there.”
Daniel has worked as a director and producer in 1997.
He is currently rehearsing the Australian Premiere of Judith Thompson’s Palace of the End that will play a short season at Theatre Works in June. The play chronicles series of stories about three people whose lives were impacted by the war in Iraq.
“No doubt it is hard-hitting,” Daniel said.
Daniel said acting was a tough gig and he didn’t feel he had the personality or the heart to want to go for it, but that directing opened a whole new world.
“I get to learn about humanity and the world, what makes us tick and finding ways to connect to audiences.”
After a four-year stint in the UK, love and determination bought Daniel back to Australia and his new home in Williamstown.
“Adelaide is very supportive of the arts but it is a smaller city, for me it got to a point I either needed to go back to the UK or move to Melbourne.”
Daniel has an impressive line of directing credits but said outside the rehearsal room a large part of his job was to support emerging artists.
“I work with independent artists in developing ideas, providing space and resources to present works.”
“It’s a really rewarding job.”
The season for Palace of the End by Judith Thompson will start on 5 June and end on 16 June. Bookings, phone 9534 3388.