FRIENDS and family of Caroline springs resident Scott Aquilina are holding an online auction to help pay for the expensive medical treatment that helped save his life.
Scott, 24, was diagnosed with a tumour four years ago but its delicate position meant it was unable to be removed by a surgeon.
After a routine scan of his brain last month, Scott was told the tumour had grown to the size of a golf ball and needed to be removed immediately.
Earlier this month he travelled to Sydney to undergo surgery with renowned brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo who managed to remove most of the tumour.
The treatment is expected to cost the family around $100,000 for medical bills, the hospital stay and travel expenses.
Caroline Spring College Assistant Principal Gary Eckersall said Scott was a confident, social person who was always happy to offer help to his peers.
He said the school had joined forces with the Adelaide Crows, Ralph Carr Management and the community of Caroline Springs to hold an online auction and donate all profits to Scott’s family.
“We just decided we needed to do something to help the family out,” Mr Eckersall said.
“It’s been fantastic. It is really amazing how generous people can be. His mates have been terrific. They’ve really jumped on board and done a lot of work.”
Items up for grabs include a day of golf with Jack Riewoldt, a dinner with Chris Judd and a painting donated by the AFL worth $15,000.
Former classmate and close friend Daniel McKerracher said the fund-raiser had received an overwhelming response from the community and would not have been possible without the donations from small businesses.
“We are extremely thankful for the generosity displayed thus far, as the goal of raising $100,000 for Scott would have been much harder without the support of these great local businesses,” he said.
“We just want our mate Scotty back to the way he was.”
A dinner and silent auction will also be held at Westwaters Entertainment Complex on Thursday 30 August at 7pm.
For more information visit www.togetherforscotty.com.au