A GRAFFITI-splattered signal box and rubbish-strewn freeway exit have angered two Hobsons Bay councillors.
Councillor Angela Altair and Cr Luba Grigorovitch have both called for both pieces of infrastructure to be cleaned up.
Cr Altair said she first raised the issue of the signal box at the Giffard St railway gates in Williamstown two years ago.
She said the signal box was “permanently splattered with graffiti and it’s just an absolute eyesore at one of the busiest crossings in Hobsons Bay”.
“I know it’s a VicTrack or Metro problem but I can assure you that despite Metro saying they went to fix that, they haven’t,” she said.
In addition, Cr Grigorovitch told Star she has been asking VicRoads to clean up the Newland St freeway exit in Altona Meadows for the past four years.
“I have asked the council to put in a request every six months,” she said.
“It has been an eye-sore in the area for too long.
“VicRoads needs to ensure that it stops being a ‘rubbish’ catcher.
“I don’t know any other exit that is in as bad shape as Newland St.”
VicRoads’ metro north west regional director, Patricia Liew, said the organisation was “committed to keeping the state’s road reserves clean and tidy”.
“The Princes Freeway is swept once a month, with the next round of sweeping scheduled to take place prior to the end of August,” she said.
“VicRoads mows this area three times a year, with the next mowing scheduled to be done before the end of September. “
Metro did not respond to Star before deadline.