Meet the Mayor

MEMBERS of the community will have an opportunity to discuss issues of concern with the City of Melton’s mayor and councillors.

Cr Kathy Majdlik will be donning an apron and cooking up a storm as part of Meet the Mayor Sessions to be held across the municipality over the next couple of months.

Residents are invited to come along to a sausage sizzle, meet with the mayor and ward councillors at the sessions.

Cr Majdlik encouraged residents to come along.

“The sessions will provide an opportunity for residents to talk with councillors in an informal setting and discuss issues that concern them.”

Residents can talk with the mayor and councillors or leave comments on a community discussion board.

The first Meet the Mayor session will be held on Sunday 10 February from 12 to 2pm with subsequent sessions in March and April.

Children’s entertainment will be provided.

For more information and to RSVP visit council’s website

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