Three of the best

George Murdoch of Altona Meadows. 92782 Picture: EMILY LANE
George Murdoch of Altona Meadows. 92782 Picture: EMILY LANE


A TRIO of senior citizens from Hobsons Bay have been recognised for their selfless service to the community.

On the weekend Governor-General Quentin Bryce released the Australia Day 2013 Honours List of people receiving a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).

On the list were Altona resident David Graham, Bernie Graham from Altona North and George Murdoch of Altona Meadows.

The group – aged 82, 72 and 71 respectively – have volunteered in many different roles across the past few decades.

Mr Murdoch was recognised for two decades’ service with Volunteers for Isolated Students’ Education (VISE), co-ordinating the Internet of the Outback program during the 1990s and volunteering as a Northern Territory Rural College tutor.

After a lifetime as a school teacher and principal, Mr Murdoch said he was keen to continue “giving young people a chance” after retiring.

“I like to do things, it keeps me young,” he said.

His two fellow OAMs, David Graham and Bernie Graham, have both been recognised for service to the community through a range of organisations including Rotary, Probus and Neighbourhood Watch.

Their volunteer roles are too numerous to mention but vary from the Footscray Emergency Teachers Replacement Scheme to the Westgate Migrant Resource Centre.

A few years ago David’s sister received an OAM for organising the Wangaratta Jazz Festival.

“I’m sure I don’t deserve it. I haven’t done anything big like that,” David said.

In a similar vein, Bernie said he “just about went into shock” upon discovering he would receive an OAM.

“I don’t have a university degree and I’m not a professor or anything like that,” he said.

The sprightly grandfather of 12 began volunteering after he ruptured a disc while at work in 1987.

He is also still the Newport Baptist Church community liaison officer and a member of the Williamstown Blue Light Disco Committee.

Bernie said his 12 grandchildren think he is “a big kid”.

“As I told someone once, I try to give back for everything I’ve got,” he said of his volunteering.


Above: Altona resident David Graham. 92770 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

Below: Bernie Graham from Altona North. 92775 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


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