Building on a new arts platform

Jeremy Gaden has high hopes for The Substation’s future.  81768 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI Jeremy Gaden has high hopes for The Substation’s future. 81768 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

HE’S the man behind the vision that got the once derelict Substation to where it is today, but Jeremy Gaden says The Substation still has a long way to go.
Taking the plunge to become the director of a new arts space in Melbourne’s West was a risk Jeremy just had to take.
“To add a new piece of infrastructure to the arts scene in Melbourne is just an awesome opportunity and something I’m still excited about two and half years into the job,” he said.
“Because of its (The Substation’s) very unique nature, it meant that anything that happens in this space is also very unique and the chance to create something like that anywhere in the world is really rare – especially in Melbourne.”
The building itself, with its exposed brickwork and graffiti, is as much a character in the space as any of the artists that come through its doors and recognising its history was a big part of Jeremy’s vision.
“We’re really proud of the industrial heritage of the building and in a way that underlines everything we try to do here.
“It was of course an active railway substation, it was derelict for 30 years and in that period of dereliction so many youths engaged in the building in a different way… and of course now it’s an operating arts centre and we really wanted to make sure that those three times in the building’s life were present in its existence.”
Jeremy said he sees The Substation becoming Melbourne’s next leading multi-arts centre.
“I see The Substation fulfilling a really important role in Melbourne’s art scene,” he said.
“There’s a really established international circuit of post industrial buildings that have been converted into art spaces.
“I look around the world and I see places like PS1 in New York, Tramway in Glasgow and in Australia we have the Powerhouse in Brisbane.
“I see The Substation as fitting into that model of critically acclaimed arts centres that’s outside of the CBD and that’s known for a strong program.”
In the more immediate future The Substation is looking to add a new 100 seat theatre space on the ground floor of the building within the next 18 months.
The Substation’s annual fundraiser, Raise the Roof, will be held on Friday 29 June.
Visit for more information.

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